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OR Thailand Grand Prix Chang International Circuit

OR Thailand Grand Prix Chang International Circuit. Lunghezza


4.6 km

2.83 miles


OR Thailand Grand Prix Chang International Circuit. Curve


5 left

7 right

OR Thailand Grand Prix Chang International Circuit. Rettilineo


1000 m.

3280.84 ft.

OR Thailand Grand Prix Chang International Circuit. Larghezza


12 m.

39.37 ft.

With a length of 4545 meters and a width of about 12 meters, the track in Southeast Asia is partially different from other "tilkodromes". Although it has the famous "stop-and-go" layout, full of violent braking and burning acceleration that distinguishes the projects of the famous German engineer, the Chang International Circuit is in fact much more guided than tracks like Sepang or Austin.

Narrow and lively, it has three straights and 12 curves in total, seven of which are on the right and five on the left: the main straight is about one kilometer long and allows the fastest 1000 cc prototypes to break through the 330 km/h wall. One of the biggest problems, for men and vehicles, is certainly the climate: high temperatures and high humidity make the Thai stage a challenging event for the whole "package", including drivers. Finally, the weather factor should not be underestimated, given that at this time of year at certain latitudes rain is certainly not a rarity...

OR Thailand Grand Prix Chang International Circuit

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